"Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action to all eternity"
Johann Kaspar Lavater
Swiss Theologian


"A dreamer lives for eternity."

nEternity™ ensures that your legacy lives on forever. For less than the cost of an expensive cup of coffee, your life's dreams, creative work, artistic creations, photographs, words, writings, musings, blogs and precious thoughts live on forever, long after we are all gone.

nEternity™ enables you to ensure and protect your legacy on the net, forever. We do this by serving your protected and covered content at our cost in perpetuity.

Your content will be served online even if your domain names expire, or the free services you host your blogs and content on today go out of business, or stop being free.

WHAT nEternity™ DOES?
HOW nEternity™ WORKS?
WHY YOU NEED nEternity™?

A simple 3-step wizard to helps you select what level of service you need. A few minutes and a few Dollars are all that it takes to ensure you, your life's work and your legacy live on(line) forever!

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